Friday, May 22, 2015

Sankofa Mobile Market Visits ARISE Academy for the Sankofa HEAL Fair

Last Thursday May 14, 2015 we hosted a health fair for Arise Academy Elementary School.

For this event we decided it was time to roll in our Mobile Market with activities for the HEAL students to interact with fresh fruits and vegetables!

 The students played a fruit and veggie trivia game to be introduced and more engaged with the Market produce. Each child received a card containing a fun fact about a particular vegetable.  For example, one of the cards stated : "Which fruit can take up to 3 years to grow?"  The students then guessed the answer by selecting one of the fruits on the Mobile Market truck.
In case you want to know, the correct answer is pineapple ! After completing the activity, we all tasted the fruits and vegetables.

Another fun activity at the HEAL Fair was smoothie-making booth! The HEAL students measured various ingredients to prepare a smoothie with papaya, pineapple, banana and kale! Many of the 'smoothie makers' said they liked their smoothies and would try making it a home with their parents.

A dancing station was also at the HEAL Fair. Students learned the steps to the dance created for Let’s Move, an initiative launched by First Lady Michelle Obama's to combat the childhood obesity epidemic and encourage a healthy lifestyle.

Overall, everyone had lots of fun and learned easy things that we can all do to lead a healthier life.
Go ahead and take a minute to look at this video that captures some of our fun moments at the HEAL Fair!

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