Monday, March 16, 2015

MyPlate with HEAL Project Kids

Last week we had a fun, interactive lesson on MyPlate! HEAL Project kids and teachers enjoyed it very much!

The class started with the introduction to MyPlate. We printed a big poster of MyPlate, which can be found in the printable section of choosemyplate website.

In order to make the class engaging we included a cooking demonstration as part of the lesson!

Even though the lesson plan was focused on teaching children about MyPlate, we also used the opportunity to put their spelling skills to the test.

We started the lesson by placing butcher paper in the table and placing all ingredients on it. Each kid had the opportunity to go to the table circle an ingredient, write its name, and identify which food group the ingredient belong to. Although challenging at times kids loved it!

Did you know tomatoes and avocados are fruits not vegetables?

They also had the opportunity to prepare a delicious guacamole (which most of them haven't had before!)

After the guacamole was ready each kid had the opportunity to build their own wrap made with a whole wheat tortilla with quinoa. Yummy!

Even the school dean Mr. Sidney came and tasted the delicious food prepped by the HEAL kids! We can't wait to have more cooking demos in class they are definitely a powerful learning tool!!

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